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El-Cm eBasic (6 – 36 kW)

Steel hot water boilers El-Cm eBasic with rated thermal output of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 kW are intended for heating small houses or flats as self-contained or as auxiliary source of heat on electricity. Today, they are increasingly being used to heat domestic hot water in accumulation tanks by connecting them to a DHW tank exchanger.



    Quiet work and modern design makes them acceptable for installation in any part of the home or apartment.


    Proven technical solutions that include all the benefits of modulating regulating the operation of the electrograph, make these boilers safe and reliable in operation.


    Modulating digital control optimally manages the operation of an electric heater so as to optimize the power consumption of the electric boiler.


    Low weight and easy assembly.



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