Installation of well-dimensioned accumulation tanks with biomass boilers brings numerous benefits and advantages to households and commercial buildings also central heating systems. Increasing efficiency of boiler and heating system, increasing the comfort of burning and heating itself (digital controls controlled by outdoor temperature can be installed…), reducing heating costs and preserving the environment are just some of the reasons why this energy solution has become indispensable in modern heating and cooling systems.
In product on range, there is possibility of ordering larger volumes of storage tanks up to 250,000 liters. Installation of storage tanks is especially important in central heating systems where energy is distributed to several locations. By using large tanks (10,000 to 250,000 liters or as needed), it’s possible to better coordinate energy production and consumption in different locations resulting in optimized system opera on and better use of available resources.
They increase the efficiency and economy of work.
Accumulation tanks with a volume of up to 250,000 liters are available on order.
Better coordination of energy production and consumption in different locations.
High-quality thermal insulation that ensures optimal energy efficiency.